Glasscubes provide a label system to allow you to tag any individual file or folder with a label to make it easier to find a certain file or folder.

You can add a label to file by going to the options button on the right hand side of the file and it will show a drop down menu. 

Click on ''Add labels'' and it will bring up a small box that will allow you to make/type in a new label or use an already existing one. 

You can choose more than one label to go to a file/folder/task and once you've typed in all the labels you want to add to it, click ''Save'' and you will see the colour of the label underneath the file/folder/task and the filter section on the right hand side of the page. 

To edit or delete the label, follow the same steps above and you will see a button that says edit label when the drop down menu appears, and to delete the label from the file just press backspace in the text box till there isn't the word/any word left then press ''Save''. Or by the filter section, click on the pen that will be next to the label and it will allow you to edit the name, colour or delete the label from Glasscubes completely and not just the file it's been added to.  (Click on image to enlarge) 

When you click on one of the labels on the filter at the right hand side of the page, it will filter down the page to everything with the label you clicked on, see example below. (Click on image to enlarge) 

To come out of the filter, you just have to go to the filter section again and press the ''x'' at the corner of the label in the filter section and it will take you back to the main page. 

Another way to add a label to a file is by clicking on the file and it will bring up the preview of the page/file you wish to add a label to. First click on info at the top right corner of the preview, then on the right hand side of the page it will show you the labels already under ''Show audit'' and next to the labels there will be a plus sign. When you click on the plus sign it will bring up a text box for you to write in another label you would like to add. Or you can click on options, which will show a drop down menu and the option to add a label - this is necessary for the first label anyway. (Click on image to enlarge) 

To see how to use labels with tasks, click on this link.