Once you enter your Workspace page, click on ‘’Files’’ which is on the left-hand side of the section.

At the top right side of the page, you will see a button that says ‘’Upload files’’ as shown in the screenshot below. And it gives you the option to either upload a file or folder.

Uploading Files

This works as you would probably expect it to - you'll get a dialog where you can choose files (hold down Ctrl on the keyboard to select more than one) then click Open to upload them. You'll be shown a list of files - see below about possible errors. Click to upload and then again to Finish once they've been uploaded and virus scanned.

Or, you can simply drag and drop files from a File Explorer window in to the white space under the list of files. You'll get the same list of files to check before uploading.

Uploading Folders

If you choose to upload a folder, the new folder will be created in the current location and all the contained files and any sub-folders will be uploaded to it. 

If it shows that there are errors and some files won't be uploaded, scroll down the list and you'll be able to see which ones this applies to by the red border around them and a warning message. The usual reason so far has been that it is a zero byte (i.e. empty) temporary file which was left behind at some stage, possibly when Word or Excel crashed. It's fine to ignore these. If lots of files are showing that they won't upload, it may be a permissions issue - check if you can access them normally. If there's anything else, feel free to raise it as a ticket here.

Creating Folders or Files

If you want your Glasscubes file layout to be slightly different to what you're uploading, you can create a new folder. Instead of using the Upload button, click New and select Folder

You can also create Word/Excel/PowerPoint documents directly from here and also shared Whiteboards which can be useful for collecting thoughts and comments before producing an actual document.