Tasks are a piece of work that has to be done and can be assigned by others or something you create and assign yourself to meet certain deadlines. 

When you go on to your Workspace, click on ''Tasks'' and the tasks page will appear and also have a list of the tasks assigned. To create a new task, there will be a button at the top of the list that says ''New task".

Once you have created a task, it will show up on your tasks page list. 

When you hover the cursor over the task or click on it you would see an icon of a human silhouette next to a calendar which you click on. 

Once you have clicked on it, it will say ‘’select user(s) to assign task’’ and bring up names of people you would like to assign the task to. 

You can set a deadline for when you want the task to be completed, by clicking on the calendar next to the silhouette on both the task and the side bar on your right hand sign. 

When you want to assign to more than one person, follow the steps shown above and it will show the options of ''All Members'' and the names of the members apart of that group. You can either select the names individually or when you click on ''Anyone'' it will select all the members automatically and you can manually cross off the people you do not want the task assigned to. The first screenshot shown below shows how it will look when you assign it through ''Anyone''. 

When you select ''everyone'' it will show on your task list that it's been sent individually to finish the same task and if you have a specific note to add to a different person it allows you to do so in case you want people to do different parts of said task. 

You can also assign the task by clicking on the task you want to assign, the a side bar will appear from the right hand side and it will show the same silhouette shown in the second screenshot above. See the example below. 


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