[Note: Most Workspaces have the Discussions feature enabled but some may not if it wasn't thought appropriate when creating the Workspace. Workspace Owners can add the feature under Options, others should raise the request either with the Workspace Owner or as a ticket in Freshdesk.]

The Discussions section is perfect for giving updates and asking questions On the left-hand side of the Workspace menu, there will be section called ‘’Discussions’’ where  you will see a text box where you can start the discussion to which you would then select the people you want to be involved in the discussion.

When you have finished your post and selected who it goes to, press post and it will be published.

You can also "like" other people’s discussion posts or write a comment on the post.

If it's first discussion post for this Workspace, it will have a button in the middle of the page which says ''Add post'' as shown. 

You can also create a poll - when you click ''Add post'' it will have two options at the top to click on, to either add a written post or create a poll for your colleagues to take part in as shown in the screenshot below.