Once you are in your Workspace, you can get into your calendar by clicking ''Calendar'' on the left hand side of the menu. On this calendar you can add events, conference calls and zoom meetings and there are two ways to do this.

The first way, is going on the day the event/call will happen and clicking on the plus sign which will be on the top right corner of the box. 

Once you have clicked on the plus sign, it will bring up a box which will ask you to add in the details of the event such as the time, location and what the event is. On the right hand side of the box you can add the people who will also be at the event or call. Then press save to add the event which will then show on the calendar. 

You can also view the calendar week by week by going to the right hand side of the page at the top corner, and next to the ''Add'' button, you'll see another button that says ''Month''. When you click on ''Month'' it will bring down a drop down menu that says ''Month'' and ''Week''. Once you click on week it will provide the events happening on the week we are on. 

The second way is to go to the top right corner of the calendar and press add, and it will provide a drop down menu with the options of what you are booking. Once you click on one of them it will bring up the same box shown above and you can type in the day and the rest of the details in there. Only the person who added the event or a Workspace Owner can edit the event that has been added.  When you click on ''Zoom meeting'' it will automatically take you to Zoom's login page and will take you back to Glasscubes once done. 

To see more on how to edit, copy and delete events from your calendar, click on this link.

Within the RCOphth Central Workspace there are labels pre-defined to categorise events so please add them if relevant. You can see the list to the top left of the calendar and you can include as many are relevant. So for an in-person course you might add Skills Course and Office Open. This then makes it easy to filter for specific types of event and in particular, in the Calendar view, clicking the Office Open label will show you which days the office is already due to be open.

You can attach files to the description, these can either be uploaded from your computer or added from somewhere else in Glasscubes. Drill down to the correct location and tick the files you wish to attach - they don't have to be from the same Workspace as the Calendar you're adding the event to. BEWARE - in this case you are not attaching a copy of the file but a link to it. If the original file is deleted, it will no longer be available in the event either. Deleted attachments aren't removed automatically, this has be done by doing in to the event and clicking Remove.


See the whole collection of support articles on Calendars.