When something has been added to the calendar or any change has happened to anything in a Workspace you follow, you may receive a notification through your email, on your Glasscubes page and through the Desktop Connect app. 

On your Glasscubes page, your notifications will be shown once you click on a bell on the top right corner of the page.

To manage your notifications, go to the top right corner of your notifications list and click on ''Settings'' which you can see on the screenshot above. And it will give you a checkbox list of all the emails you may receive and the choice to tick or untick whether you would like to receive those emails. You can also choose to receive notifications about the items you are following on the tab next to where it says ''Settings on the screenshot below. 

It's suggested if you do turn some of these off, at least leave these enabled:

  • "Email me if a file that I locked has been unlocked by another user"
    Otherwise you could edit a file and either the edits won't be saved or you'll trample over edits someone else has made. This shouldn't happen often if people are using the system properly
  • "Email me when a company announcement is made"
    These should not occur often and should be important / worth reading when they do.

Click "Show workspace subscription and notification settings" to adjust if you should get notifications from each individual workspace you're a member of. You can also opt to receive a daily or weekly email summary of activity on a per-workspace basis.