When you are in your Workspace, find the the tab on the left hand side of the page on the white menu that says ''Tasks''. Once you click on that, it will take you to the page where you may see a list of tasks that have been already created in your workspace, or blank if people in your workspace/yourself hasn't set any tasks yet. 

To make a new task, first click on ''New Task'' which is a blue button at the top left corner of the page. (Click image to enlarge) 

When you click on new task, at the top of the list a new text box will appear for you to type in the task you want to put on there. And once you've finished writing the task you then click the blue button at the end of your almost created task which says ''Add''. Then a new task has been created, to see how to assign the task to yourself or other members of your workspace click on this link.  (Click image to enlarge) 

You can also create a task by sending an email to the email address generated by Glasscubes for your group. To get the email required, click on the envelope on the top right corner of the page and a special email address will be attached to the box for you to email. It will only accept the email if it's been sent by an email registered to your Glasscubes. 

This is how it will look when you click on the envelope.

Once you've sent the email with the title of the task in the subject, you just have to refresh the task page on Glasscubes and the task you sent will appear on the task list. 

You can also set a recurring task for yourself and colleagues by clicking on which task you may have to do either every Friday or every 2 weeks, then the side bar menu on the right hand side will appear. Then you'll see 3 dots standing vertically on the side bar menu. When you click on that a drop down menu will appear with one of the options being ''Recurring tasks''. 

When you click on ''Recurring tasks'' it will bring up a box for you to set up how often you would like for the tasks to come up. 

You can also create different sorts of tasks on the task page. When you find the ''New task'' button at the top left corner of the page, there will be a triangle pointing downwards next to it and once you click on that it will bring a drop down menu with other options. 

You can create a new group within the task list to separate the tasks into groups to make some tasks easier to find if they haven't been labelled.  Or set a new milestone task for yourself or your colleagues. 

See Everything you need to start getting organised