First, make sure you have a suitable file on your computer to use as a profile picture. For best results the picture should be square and be at least 648 by 648 pixels (the recommendation for Outlook profile pictures, since it's probably easiest to use the same one for both Outlook and Glasscubes). Bigger is fine but don't go too small or it will be re-sized and probably look a bit fuzzy.

If you use your web browser to access Outlook, you can change your profile picture by going to your initials which is usually in the top right corner of the page and hover over the initials, then a camera icon will appear above it. 

When you click on that, it will bring a pop up which will allow you to either drag a photo there to change it, or upload it from a folder. 

Once you've chosen your method of uploading your photo, and have done the action, press Apply and it will change the photo for you. 


To change it through the app, go to 'File' on the top left side of the page. 

It will take you to this page, where you will see 'Account settings' and next to it you will an image of a silhouette and underneath it will say 'Change''. And that is where you will change your profile picture.

It will then take you to your default web browser and open the Outlook page for you to change your photo.